Martin Luther King Park Clean Up

As a community rooted in strong traditions and respect for our land and history, the people of Pembroke are committed to caring for each other, our town, and the earth.

The Martin Luther King Park clean-up day was an “all hands-on deck” operation, as Hopkins Park Mayor Mark Hodge noted. From planting new flowers to mowing the grassy field, the work of community members made our local park beautified in more ways than one. Our community came together to make this a gathering spot for family, friends, and all of Pembroke to enjoy.

For many community members, including Cathy Vanderdyz, “Pembroke has always been my home.” As a resident of eighteen years, Vanderdyz shares that her Pembroke roots span many generations. “My great-great-great grandmother settled here,” she said with pride. Pembroke builds Pembroke, and the park clean-up day exemplifies our community coming together for good.

We’re investing in Pembroke so that we can grow together. We hope to see you at future community events.